sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2022

Spain to maintain tax on energy companies and banks, despite ECB warning


The Spanish government will not modify the structure of the future taxes on large energy companies and banks despite the European Central Bank (ECB) warning this could distort EU competition.

Spain’s progressive government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos has decided to maintain the format initially approved for both levies, which are expected to collect €7 billion in two years, according to official sources.

The deadline for partial amendments to the bill – including the two new fiscal tools in addition to the tax on the wealthy and the limitation on consolidated groups to offset losses of their subsidiaries – formally closed on Thursday, EURACTIV’s partner EFE reported.

Both coalition partners filed their respective text amendments on Thursday, yet according to government sources, none proposed major changes to the original draft, financial daily Cinco Días reported. Ler mais

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