O Supremo Tribunal deu uma brutal machadada numa das actividades económicas mais importantes para a recuperação do turismo, o alojamento local. Os senhores juízes acham que o sossego é mais importante. Ler mais
Depois do modelo e do que o Governo, de forma miserabilista, apresentou, uma crítica sintética, a saber, a crítica a um não-programa:
How can online platforms that seek to maximise profits be made compatible with or even foster consumer protection, democratic processes, and worker rights? For European lawmaker Tiemo Wölken, the short answer is regulation.
Last year, Paul Nemitz, the principal adviser to the European Commission’s service for justice and consumer rights, stressed the need for making commercially-driven platforms serve democracy at an event of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Meanwhile, the EU institutions have passed or discussed flagship
regulations to bring in rules for the unregulated online world. EURACTIV
took stock of the EU’s digital agenda with Tiemo Wölken, an MEP for the
German Social Democratic Party (SPD). (...)
“Delegations will find attached the final 4-column document (Articles and Recitals) after technical finalisation to reflect the provisional political agreement reached during the 4th DMA trilogue of 24 March 2022 and pending lawyer linguistic finalisation.”
-Final four-column document on the Digital Markets Act
Story of the week: After three weeks of wait, the
final DMA four-column circulated on Thursday, with some important
last-minute surprises. The delay was due to the Parliament’s services
being overburdened with temporary legislation related to the war in
Ukraine, but the more sceptical found the timing when most people have
already left for the Easter holidays to be suspiciously convenient. The
question is now how the final version of the text will sit with the
shadow rapporteurs and EU countries. (...)
Un accord sur les règles relatives à la publicité en ligne dans la loi sur les services numériques (Digital Services Act, DSA) de l’UE semble être à portée de main, selon un nouveau texte de compromis consulté par EURACTIV.
Le texte a été proposé par la présidence française de l’UE qui dirige actuellement la discussion entre les États membres au sein du Conseil de l’UE. Les diplomates européens ont débattu du compromis mercredi (13 avril), avant ce qui pourrait être la dernière réunion de haut niveau le 22 avril.
Selon une source diplomatique européenne, les Etats membres n’ont pas émis de lignes rouges mais certains ont souligné que le DSA n’était pas la législation appropriée pour traiter cette question. Toutefois, la présidence française a accepté ces mesures dans le cadre d’un accord plus large sur la loi sur les marchés numériques (DMA), la proposition sœur du DSA.
« Je parierais que c’est le texte final ou qu’il en est très proche »,
a déclaré un responsable au Parlement européen à EURACTIV. Le texte
obtiendra une majorité des rapporteurs fictifs, les représentants des
groupes politiques, a-t-il ajouté. (...)
ESMAM promove Live internacional sobre o tema "Consumidor na era digital”
One-third of primary-school-age children and half of teenagers fear
they are addicted to digital services. Additionally, 10% of
12–13-year-olds believe they are addicted to porn, and 15% of children
have stolen money to fund loot box purchases in online games.
Leanda Barrington-Leach is the Head of EU Affairs and the 5Rights Foundation.
Parents are struggling, teachers are struggling, children suffer, and mental health professionals see the impact. Together, they ask for a change to the digital world that was not designed with children’s interests in mind.
The principle is not in dispute: children must be protected, and their rights apply online and offline. The European Parliament and Council agree that tech companies should ensure a high level of safety, privacy, and security for children. (...)
O termo “pneumonia por aspiração” ganhou destaque mediático e nas pesquisas online, quando, esta terça-feira, foi noticiado que o ator Â...