segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2022

Agrifood Brief: The EU’s Trojan horse moment

 Legend has it that the Greeks tried for over a decade to conquer the ancient city of Troy, to no avail. And so, in a devious but particularly brilliant move, they decided to build a huge wooden horse and leave it at the city gates before (seemingly) sailing away.

Believing the huge wooden horse to be a peace offering, the Trojans welcomed the horse into their city as a symbol of their victory.

But there was something else afoot (or, should I say, a-hoof – ahem).

That night, after the Trojans had gone to bed, the Greek soldiers emerged from their hiding place inside the hollow horse to open the gates of the city and let in the remainder of the Greek army, which had sailed back under the cover of night.

Taken by surprise, the Greeks were finally able to conquer Troy from the inside. (...)

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