sexta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2024

ome personal reflections on the EU AI Act: a bittersweet ending

I wrote down some personal reflection on the (almost adopted) EU AI Act. Proud of many achievements, disappointed over the untapped potential but truly shocked by the ways the EU is currently making laws. What can we do now to make sure that the law still becomes a success story?

In total, 1004 days after the European Commission has presented the #AIAct on Wednesday, 21 April 2021, the last technical meeting concluded the legislative negotiations on Friday, 19 January 2024. While the European Parliament’s report took 43 Technical and 12 Shadows meetings to be finalized, the inter-institutional discussions were concluded after 35 Technical Trilogue meetings, 7 Shadows meetings, and 6 Political Trilogues. A surprising set of numbers for contemporary Brussels that became more and more efficient over the past years in adopting new laws at high speed. (...)


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