quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2021

Mensagens-chave e estudos de caso para fornecer informações confiáveis ​​sobre sustentabilidade em embalagens plásticas - Consumers International

 Key Messages And Case Studies To Provide Credible Sustainability Information On Plastic Packaging

21 January 2021

Consumers International, the UN Environment Programme and the One Planet Network have released three key messages and five case studies on the provision of sustainability information on plastic packaging.

Consumers are increasingly aware of the impact of plastic on the environment and want to reduce their consumption of plastics. However, the information provided to them to make more sustainable choices is not always clear, actionable or credible, leading to confusion and mistrust.

Three key messages and five case studies have been developed for relevant stakeholders to improve communications about materials, production, recyclability and disposal of plastic packaging. On-package labels and claims, and the standards that guide them, are a critical element of consumer communications, especially for reducing leakage and contamination. (...)

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