quarta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2023

Alojamento Local com "recorde de reservas e ocupação" no verão

 GuestReady registou quase 35 mil reservas entre junho e setembro. 

A GuestReady, empresa do setor do Alojamento Local (AL), anunciou esta quarta-feira que registou um número "recorde de reservas e ocupação" no verão, com quase 35 mil reservas entre junho e setembro. 

Em comunicado, a empresa explica que este valor "equivale a mais 10 mil reservas do que o verificado em igual período do ano passado".

"Nestes quatro meses considerados de época alta, este crescente número de reservas foi impulsionado pelo crescimento do portfólio de propriedades de AL da GuestReady, tendo a empresa alcançado uma taxa média de ocupação de 1 de junho a 30 de setembro de quase 90% nos mais de 1.300 AL geridos pelo país", pode ler-se. 

E mais: "Em média, o turista em Portugal ficou hospedado em AL de três a quatro noites, com as cidades de Lisboa, Porto e Madeira a registar a maior procura, e com setembro a tornar-se cada vez mais num outro período de grande preferência dos visitantes".

O perfil do turista mais comum foi um casal que viaja sem crianças, o que está relacionado com a tipologia da maioria das propriedades em AL (apartamentos T0 e T1), e a nacionalidade mais recorrente foi a espanhola (17%).

Os restantes turistas que mais reservaram em AL foram franceses (14%), portugueses (13%), alemães (8%), ingleses (7%) e norte-americanos (6%).

Dívida tarifária mais do que duplica para 1.995 ME em 2024


A dívida tarifária vai mais do que duplicar em 2024 face a 2023, de 879 para 1.995 milhões de euros, mas a Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos recusa uma menor sustentabilidade do setor elétrico a médio prazo.

 dívida tarifária vai mais do que duplicar em 2024 face a 2023, de 879 para 1.995 milhões de euros, mas a Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE) recusa uma menor sustentabilidade do setor elétrico a médio prazo.

“[…] a geração de nova dívida tarifária em 2024 não refletirá, contudo, uma menor sustentabilidade do setor elétrico a médio prazo”, sustenta o regulador na Proposta de Tarifas e Preços para a Energia Elétrica para o próximo ano, divulgada ao final da noite de segunda-feira. Ler mais


Media Partnership: The Spanish presidency and the future of European Digitalization




Spain is part of D9+, the group of European countries leading a new economic model with impact in multiple sectors. We are the seventh country in the European Union in the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), ahead of the major European economies.

And the time is now. The digital economy has a real impact on the Spanish GDP: it accounted for 22% in 2022 and, with a joint effort, it can reach 40% in 2030. Spain has strengths and characteristics to lead the European digital transformation during its Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The 2020s are the European Commission's Digital Decade, with ambitious targets in four areas to accelerate progress in skills, government, infrastructures and business. Achieving the Digital Decade goals could unlock over €2.8 trillion in economic value, equivalent to 21% of the EU’s current economy, and a majority (55%) of this potential economic value is reliant on cloud computing.

This event wants to share the experience from best-in-class organizations in Spain, using emerging digital technologies like the cloud, generative AI or smart algorithms to innovate key industries, from Tourism and E-Commerce to Banking and Energy. This initiative tends to be a business and political landmark within the agenda of activities for the Spanish Presidency and a space to generate ideas and proposals for the next European elections

How to successfully kickstart your digital transformation


This series from Amazon Web Services (AWS) focuses on guiding public sector organisations through successful digital transformation processes, and is based on key findings by the AWS Institute. This first instalment outlines the key steps in kickstarting the process and driving a positive change. 

Liam Maxwell, AWS Director Digital Government.

Digital transformation is a complex subject, especially for public services that may have multiple departments or agencies. They will have competing budgetary needs, use different kinds of software, and have distinct ways of working.

Clearly communicating vision for change at the top of an organisation is crucial in securing support at every level. Strong cultural adoption is central to any digital transformation success. This piece will explore how to successfully kickstart a transformation process for public sector organisations considering digital services. (...)

AI Act: EU countries headed to tiered approach on foundation models amid broader compromise


The EU approach to powerful AI models is taking shape as European countries discuss possible concessions in the upcoming negotiations on the world’s first comprehensive Artificial Intelligence (AI) rulebook.

The Spanish presidency of the EU Council of Ministers shared on Tuesday (17 October) a document in preparation for the next political negotiation with the European Parliament and Commission on 24 October, the so-called trilogues.

The document, seen by Euractiv, details a series of possible landing zones on the AI Act, a flagship legislative proposal to regulate AI based on its capacity to cause harm. The compromises concern critical areas of the text, including how to deal with foundation models, large machine-learning models trained on vast data sets that generate responses based on a specific stimulus. (...)

AI Act: EU countries mull options on fundamental rights, sustainability, workplace use


The Spanish presidency circulated three discussion papers on Friday (13 October) to gather EU countries’ feedback on key aspects of the AI law ahead of an upcoming negotiation session: fundamental rights, sustainability obligations and workplace decision-making.

The AI Act is a landmark legislative proposal to regulate Artificial Intelligence based on its potential to cause harm. Since they took over the presidency of the EU Council of Ministers, the Spaniards have prioritised closing the negotiations on the file with the European Parliament and Commission.

The Telecom Working Party, a technical body of the Council, will discuss possible flexibility to accord to the lead negotiators on Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday, the file will land on the table of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, with the view of providing a revised negotiating mandate for the next political trilogue with the other EU institutions on 25 October. (...)

Algorithmic management in the workplace, Cyber Resilience Act’s positions

 “I cannot anticipate what the next Commission will do. But we are attaching high importance to this issue of AI in the world of work.”

-Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

Story of the week: The European Commission is preparing the ground for a legislative initiative on algorithmic management in the workplace for the next mandate. Commissioner Nicolas Schmit told EURACTIV that the idea is to build on the AI Act, which looks at Artificial Intelligence from a market product perspective, to focus on specific applications in the field of employment. An external study has been commissioned to assess to what extent this technology is being deployed, the risks and opportunities and eventual regulatory gaps to be filled. A future legislative proposal will likely take as a blueprint the Platform Workers Directive, which has an entire chapter on algorithmic management that is now taking centre stage during the trilogue discussions. However, what remains to be seen is whether the political conditions will remain suitable for such a proposal, as the next European Commission and Parliament will likely have a much more conservative agenda. (...)

Taxa Turística no Porto passa para três euros por pessoa a partir de domingo

  Valor é pago por cada pessoa com mais de 13 anos, por noite, até um máximo de sete noites seguidas.  A Câmara do Porto anunciou, esta terç...